Balkan Economic Review is online scientific journal in the field of economic and social sciences. We publish original scientific papers, scientific reviews, preliminary reports, conference papers, professional papers and book reviews. Only original papers not previously published or simultaneously submitted for publishing elsewhere, should be submitted. Submitted papers need to be prepared according to the Instructions for authors.
Authors should respect fully these instructions for submission. Papers that do not adhere to the instructions will not enter the reviewing process.
Papers must be submitted in Microsoft Word format, using Times New Roman font (size 10,5 regular), in Latin alphabet, normal character spacing and single paragraph spacing (before: 0 pt, after: 0 pt, line spacing: single). Page setup:
Paper size: C5 (16 cm x 23 cm).
Margins: top 2 cm; bottom 1,5 cm; left 1,6 cm; right 1,6 cm.
Indentation: left 0 cm, right 0 cm, special: first line, 1 cm.
Alignment: justified.
Word Limits. The text of the paper should be maximum up to 20 pages.
Paper title and author(s). Title should be as concise as possible. Author’s name and institution should follow the title. Behind the name of the author(s), a footnote should be inserted containing e-mail address(es) of the author(s), as well as an identification (by an asterisk) for the corresponding author. The papers should be submitted by a maximum of three authors for the current issues and four authors for the special issues of the journal.
Summary. Summary, with the length of up to 150 words, should be at the beginning of the paper. At the end of the summary, key words should be included (up to five key words). At least one classification code to the Classification System for the Journal Articles, as used by the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL), should be included.
Reference to articles and books in the text. Give full name (first name, middle initial, and last name) of author(s) and year of publication in the first citation, with page number(s) where appropriate.
Quotations. Any quotation, regardless of its length, needs to be followed by reference including page number. For any quotation longer than 350 characters, an author must have written approval by copy rights owner that needs to be enclosed.
Tables, charts, and pictures. Tables must be made in Word or a Word compatible format (tables should be transferred into Word format). Same data may not be presented both in tables and charts. Every table, chart, or picture should be appropriately numbered and named, e.g.: Table 1 The Exports in EU countries. Figures, graphs, pictures, etc. will not be redrawn by the publisher; they should be high-quality GRAYSCALE graphics (don’t use colors): vector drawings with text converted to curves or 300 dpi bitmaps (jpg). Please do not supply any graphics copied from a website, as the resolution will be too low. Each picture, figure, graph, etc. should be in a separate file. Tables, pictures, graphs, formulas, etc. should NOT extend beyond the margins. The maximum space available for tables, figures, pictures, graphs, etc. is 12,5 cm (width) x 18 cm (height).
Statistics. The results of statistical tests need to be provided in the following form: F (1.9) = 25.35; p<.001 or similar. Lower number of conventional P levels should be stated (e.g.: .05, .01, .001). Formulas should be created using Microsoft Equation Editor. The maximum width of formulas should not exceed 12 cm.
References. Use AEA (American Economic Association) rules for references. Reference section must be single spaced, beginning on a new page following the text, giving full information. Use full names of authors or editors using initials only if that is the usage of the particular author/editor. List all author/editors up to/ including 10 names. Authors of articles and books and material without specific authors or editors, are to be listed alphabetically. All references in the Reference section should be referenced also in the text.
Appendix. In the appendix, only those descriptions of material that would be useful for readers to understand, evaluate, or revise research should be provided.
Footnotes and abbreviations. Footnotes should be avoided. If necessary, references in the footnotes should be used in the same way as in the text. Abbreviations should also be avoided, except from exceptionally usual. The abbreviations stated in tables and pictures should be explained.
Reviews and publishing. All papers are anonymously reviewed by two anonymous reviewers. On the basis of reviews, editorial board make decision on paper publishing and inform the author.
Language editing. Papers should be written in English or French language (for special issues ONLY).
Submission by e-mail to: